Have you ever wondered about the array of services at your fingertips as a virtual assistant? Picture yourself taking on exciting roles like ghostwriting for a well-known blogger, exposing your work to thousands daily. This is the realm of possibilities that opens up when you step into the world of virtual assistance. It offers not only the freedom to travel and savor time with your loved ones but also the chance to engage in work that truly ignites your passion. It’s perplexing to witness individuals trapped in jobs they detest when they possess unique skills that can be transformed into sought-after services. Why not harness your passion and transform it into a thriving home-based business?

I vividly remember my early foray into the virtual assistant domain, where online information felt like an overwhelming maze. This complexity often clouds the path for those just starting out. This is precisely why I crafted this post – my objective is to serve as a guiding light for aspiring and budding virtual assistants, facilitating the launch of their businesses with ease. My goal is to empower you to metamorphose your skills into a profitable, home-based venture.

For those who are new to the virtual assistant world, you might be pondering, “What exactly is a virtual assistant?” A virtual assistant (VA) is much more than an “online secretary.” As a VA, you possess a valuable skill set that you can showcase or expand upon. Your role as a VA revolves around taking on tasks, both significant and minor, on behalf of entrepreneurs and businesses.

The term “Virtual Assistant” is all-encompassing, encompassing a wide range of tasks, which can sometimes create confusion. Attempting to master every task can result in being a jack of all trades but a master of none. Therefore, as you make decisions about the services you intend to offer, you might transition from being a general VA to a specialized role, such as a Social Media Manager, Pinterest Expert, or Sales Funnel Strategist. Your chosen title should reflect your expertise.

Nevertheless, even if you opt for a more specialized title, it remains imperative to be responsive to clients seeking a “VA” since this is the term most commonly understood. The key is to be transparent about your offerings and your target clientele.

Now, let’s explore the spectrum of services that you can provide as a virtual assistant. How do you determine which services to focus on? Here’s a simple exercise to guide your decision-making:

Assess your proficiency in each service on a scale of 1 to 5. Evaluate your interest in either learning or providing each service. Based on your assessments, select your top 5-10 services. These chosen services can become the foundation of your business. You can become a specialist in a single skill, establishing yourself as the go-to expert. Alternatively, you can combine multiple services that share a common theme to create specialized packages. Alternatively, you can embrace a broader spectrum of services as a generalist.

Ultimately, your personal interests and expertise will be your compass in making these decisions. Your distinctive skill set can serve as the bedrock for a profitable career as a virtual assistant or freelancer.

Without further ado, here are 50 services that you can offer as a virtual assistant:

Newsletter Design

Newsletter Content Creation

Email Automation

MailChimp Assistance/Maintenance

ConvertKit Assistance/Maintenance

AWeber Assistance/Maintenance

Infusionsoft Assistance/Maintenance

Ontraport Assistance/Maintenance

Social Media Ad Set-Up/Management

Content Creation Services

Technical Writing and How-To Posts

Landing Page Creation

WordPress Updates

Web Design

Shopify Assistance

SEO Services Content Creation for Online Courses

Webinar Setup

Live Webinar Assistance

Editing Resume




Data Entry

Telemarketing/Lead Generation

Internet Research

Customer Service

Blog Management

Responding to Blog Comments

Blog Traffic Reporting

Maintaining Editorial Calendar


Social Media Graphic Design

Video Editing

PowerPoint Presentations

eBook Content and Design Creating Infographics

Logo Design/Graphic Design

Payments and Invoicing

Accounting/Bookkeeping Services

Email Reminders

Calendar Management

Creating/Managing Databases & CRMs

Scheduling Social Media

Setting Up Affiliate Programs & Affiliate Management

Running/Managing Contests and Giveaways

Branding Services

Press Releases

PR Management

Travel Research & Booking

Are you inclined to be a specialist or a generalist? The beauty of this choice is that there’s no wrong answer. With effective marketing strategies and a well-thought-out plan, any skill or combination of skills can be parlayed into a thriving online business. The key is to align your choices with your passions and be prepared to attract clients. HubHubGo is here to provide its platform as the springboard for your journey.

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