
Done For You Webpage Template


Don’t let yourself be swayed by distractions like autoresponders or Pinterest Pins. Start where it truly matters: with a well-crafted webpage. Focus on what you need to succeed. Take action now!

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What’s Included:

  1. Domain Security and Hosting (valued at $200)
  2. Home Page Package:
    • Hero Section
    • Subheading
    • Call to Action Button
    • Three Benefits
    • Problem-Agitate-Solution
    • Three Testimonials
    • Ten Features
    • Five FAQs
    • Reinforced Call to Action on Home Page (Choose from three examples provided) (Valued at $2,750)
  3. Booking System Setup and Integration (Valued at $1,450)
  4. Integration of Subscription Contact Form Pop-up for Lead Capture (Valued at $1,290)
  5. Email Setup (Valued at $299)
  6. Integration of Essential Plugins for Seamless Performance (Valued at $299)
  7. SEO Optimization
  8. Two Minor Tweaks Included
  9. Additional Charges Apply for Design Changes or Image Replacements
  10. Additional Charges Apply for Each Extra Page Created

The total VALUE of the services included in this package is $5,988

If you wish to be integrated within our Acquisitions Mall; then you should rather consider our PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGE, where you’ll be seamlessly integrated into our ‘Acquisitions Mall,’ a prime location among our ‘Anchor Stores’ showcasing your landing page with thousands of Affiliate Partners driving traffic this way.